About US
Presentation & Communication Coaching
Communicating is as vital as breathing, and is now recorded at every turn. Everyone can broadcast a message via social media, but not everyone does it well. And then there are those who need to be exceptional – the communicators we rely on day in and day out to keep us connected and informed - the communicators who need to stand out and be sought out.
Understanding what drives your best, most natural, and genuine communication can help you be exceptional and that is our goal.Laura Hernandez
Hundreds of communications professionals – even multi-generational – have benefitted from Laura’s coaching in the last 25 years – from network correspondents and program hosts to seasoned news anchors and beginning reporters, across the country and across the pond. Smart, clear, and direct, Laura gets the best performance from everyone she works with.
Laura also helps to pass the torch to the managers, with understanding and guidelines to help maximize performance whether the coach is in town or not.
We strive to inspire, with respect and support – and very high expectations.
We strive to show you how, and do better than tell you to "be yourself."